With the rise of futuristic technology, some experts have wondered whether the monitor could go into decline. Indeed, a report from the Insider claimed that screens could soon be replaced by casting technology. Should monitor lovers be worried, or can these devices survive the tech advancements on the horizon?
Younger Players Prefer Mobile
There are still millions of gamers worldwide who play games from a desktop monitor. The problem is, these people tend to be older, and younger gamers are attracted to more modern methods of playing.
That’s according to research from ExpressVPN, which discovered that millennials spend much more time gaming than members of Gen Z do. The older generation, many of whom are now approaching their forties, prefer to immerse themselves in games for longer periods. Conversely, youngsters enjoy mobile offerings that don’t require as much time investment.
This could be a worrying statistic for monitor sales in the future, as it’s clear that the people who play games using them are getting older. Younger generations grow up with new technological developments, and it could soon reach a stage at which they view monitors as outdated devices.
Recent Upturn of Monitor Sales
During the 2010s, there was a decline in the number of monitors sold worldwide. Analysts speculated that the main reason for this was because of the rise of the mobile market. During this period, there was a growing fear that the monitor could be on its way out in the gaming industry.
Luckily, figures from 2021 show that monitor sales have enjoyed a recent resurgence. Indeed, there was strong growth between 2018 and 2021 and, in 2021, 143.6 million units were sold worldwide according to Gizchina.
There could be a variety of reasons for this upturn in monitor sales. One of the biggest factors may be the esports industry, which has grown exponentially over the last decade. A report from MarketsandMarkets, revealed that the competitive gaming sector is now worth more than $2 billion. Players in the sector need to use the best monitors to give themselves the greatest chance of winning.
Future Technology Could Negate the Need for Monitors
While monitors are going strong in the current market, there is a chance that they will not be needed in the future. Augmented and virtual reality developments are starting to gather pace, and soon people could use casting technology to see things without the need for a screen.
If this type of tech does replace monitors, it could take a long time until it’s good enough to use for gaming. Today’s screens have state-of-the-art graphics that can run highly detailed games. AR and VR are nowhere near that level yet.
There’s a chance that monitors could become obsolete one day in the future, but this seems like a long time away right now. It could be decades before casting technology is advanced enough to replace the trusty screen.
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